Church attendance preference
It used to say "always" for the top choice or church attendance. I think this new "as often as I can" shouldn't replace the "always" option. It should be it's own separate option because that's different. It might sound snobby but I pick based on church attendance because I personally don't want to date someone who isn't at the same level spiritually as me. I want someone as devoted to going to church, who makes it a priority. But now I can't determine that with one look of a profile. Please change it! Just make more options for church attendance but keep the "always"!!!
Comments: 7
20 Jul, '24
BrendanI totally get the thought behind that, but I disagree. I make church a priority. However, sometimes due to my work as a first responder. I can't go to church on Sundays so I'm all for keeping the as "often as I can "option
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09 Aug, '24
AdilsonLegal e interessante sua opinião
13 Aug, '24
SamanthaMy personal Insight would be just don't have those as an option. It should say yes or no or nothing.
31 Aug, '24
KarsonIn my honesty when they decided to change this from "always" to "as often as possible" as a Priesthood holder and Worthy of carrying a Temple Recommend i was heavily saddened by the Spirit by this I have been nonstop ghosted by girls because i value worthiness and truth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is built upon the Foundation of our Savior Jesus Christ and one of the Great Commandments is "to keep the Sabbath Day Holy" which involves Attending Congregations ALWAYS not when we feel like it. My suggestion i hope to see this fixed soon it's a heart break not a heart maker.
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30 Sep, '24
HeatherI personally would have to say I go as often as possible because I do not go if I i am sick with something that I have reason to believe could, if an elderly person in my ward caught it, kill them or hospitalize them.
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06 Oct, '24
JonathanI think that’s fair because always doesn’t initially mean that you attend your same ward, but you still go to church every week and realistically they should only be a couple times. You don’t go to church every week, general conference and stake conference but then again both of those are still counted as going to church so it just needs to be more specific
And I get someone’s frustration that they want to date someone who always attends church not just often as possible
It really does depend because there are people who just stay for sacrament meeting and then go home -
12 Nov, '24
VKDClarity and priority of spiritual goals are key for choosing a person as committed as I am. I say put back the "always" as an answer!!