Add another level of Church activity
There should be an "often" option between Always and Sometimes. Some people that I know who go often have put Sometimes and it's sent the message that they aren't active, I think
Comments: 10
14 Sep, '23
SavI agree; or I’d love if people were able to give a quick explanation as to why they put “sometimes”. “Work keeps me from going as often as I’d like” is drastically different than “I don’t feel like going regularly”, and just stating “sometimes” doesn’t give us enough information.
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24 Oct, '23
JamesYou’re either an active member of the gospel or you are not. Period. Stop selling yourself short.
05 Nov, '23
BeeSome people are not even members.
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07 Jan, '24
AcaciaI agree with Sav. Sometimes work can prevent someone from attending as often as they'd like. That doesn't mean they don't have a testimony or actively read the scriptures.
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17 Jan, '24
AmyDriving on bad roads scare me, so I'm not driving in inclement weather. I don't want to lie on my profile because I'm not physically in the chapel every Sunday, so I put sometimes.
When I'm not a church, I'm typically watching Come Follow Up, and Music & the Spoken Word. I'm re-reading my Come Follow Me manual or pondering a gospel topic.
I think "often" or a "most of the time" option is appropriate, too. -
31 Oct, '24
Jake IsomChurch activity should not determine someone’s worth. This isn’t very Christ-like. I understand the concerns but you should ask yourself would you liked to be judge if you miss one Sunday? Or just sick? Mutual should be open to everyone who desires a healthy relationship with another. Christ is opened to everyone and if we want to show the world we will respect and accept them, then the last thing to do is have church attendance determine if you deserve to be loved.
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22 Nov, '24
Katherine@Jake Isom, it’s not that it determines someone’s worth necessarily. It’s just a desire. I personally want someone who’s a worthy priesthood holder. Which means Henkel be active and have a Temple Recommend.
04 Dec, '24
Eleisha MergedI’ve been noticing more and more people who aren’t members of the church joining the app. I’ve matched with several men and spent a lot of time talking with them only to find out they aren’t even members. If this app is not going to be exclusively for active members of the church then I think everyone should be required to indicate their membership and activity in the church, or lack thereof, in order for their profile to go live and that status should be visible to everyone.
12 Dec, '24
Jacob Watson Admin"Church membership and activity status" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Feb
Curtis ByrdI'm retired and live 75 miles away from the closest Branch making it a 150 mile round trip. Thank goodness I don't have children or a family because sacrament but have to be done at home. I feel if need be other LDS members and I should meet locally in someone's house or building to congregate outside of the normal sacrament on Sundays.