Save for Later
I want to "like" this person, but I need some time to think about it. I don't want to swipe down and lose them, but I'm not ready to swipe up. I NEED a place to bookmark this profile for later.
Comments: 100
23 Mar, '21
Noah MergedLimited use to place a profile you see to come up later.
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03 Apr, '21
Anonymous MergedSometimes you aren’t sure. Itd be nice to be able to skip.
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04 Apr, '21
Becky MergedI think it would be nice to have the option to reconsider people later that you might want to look at down the road again. Like I hate that when I’m swiping and I come across someone that I’m intrigued with, but maybe they are ready for a ring and I’m not, but maybe down the road I’d want to have a chance to look at them again.
Why not have a way to swipe them left or something to put them in a save for later folder or something and when you are ready to look at them again your can go in and add them back into your dating pool. -
11 Apr, '21
Brian MergedA feature to let you skip a profile and have it come up again later. Sometimes the swiping can be a little indecisive and it would be cool to have an option that isn't as absolute as a down-swipe. (It could even work similar to the Notes feature, that you can only skip a certain number of profiles in a day or something, or more often for the paid version of the app). It would also make navigating the "See Who Likes Me" section much easier.
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12 Apr, '21
Michael Patterson Admin Merged"Swipe left for “maybe” or “save for later”" (suggested by Becky on 2021-04-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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12 Apr, '21
Michael Patterson Admin Merged"Ability to skip" (suggested by Anonymous on 2021-04-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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23 Apr, '21
Rachel MergedThe option to come back to a profile rather than swiping up or down right away.
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28 Apr, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin Merged"Not Sure Option" (suggested by Rachel on 2021-04-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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29 Apr, '21
Spencer MergedI have definitely felt the need for this feature. Maybe even make it a premium feature. I don’t want to have to refresh my oldest swipes to find those that were a maybe.
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09 May, '21
Delainey MergedThere needs to be an option for “this person is in my ward and I don’t want to swipe up or down” because it’s just awkward when they pop up more than once
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12 May, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin Merged"In my ward" (suggested by Delainey on 2021-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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12 May, '21
Brian Admin Merged"Shuffle button" (suggested by Noah on 2021-03-23), including upvotes (5) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 May, '21
Kat MergedSometimes looking at a profile or someone who is interested in you is not as simple as yes or no. We should be able to save and come back later after we've given it some thought.
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18 May, '21
Zach MergedTag a profile as neither yes nor no to come back to later for a final decision
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18 May, '21
Owen MergedIf this is implemented, it should be considered a function of the app more than a feature of the premium subscription, which is to say that this should be part of the free version, but I also don’t mind the idea of limited “left swipes” for free members, or watching an ad to unlock. I’ve definitely found myself wishing for this feature though. Full support.
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07 Jun, '21
Devon Miller MergedThis could be very useful for free members who only get one note a week. If you see a profile you definitely like and would like to send a note to, but you still have a couple days before your next free note, this feature would be great. Because the alternative is to simply close the app and not swipe on any profiles for a couple days.
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23 Jun, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin Merged"Tag as Maybe" (suggested by Zach on 2021-05-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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23 Jun, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin Merged"Save for later" (suggested by Kat on 2021-05-14), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Jul, '21
Courtney MergedIf you're not sure about someone at the time... but would like to come back and possibly revisit at a later date
07 Jul, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin Merged"Having a Maybe option" (suggested by Courtney on 2021-07-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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10 Jul, '21
k call Mergedif you aren’t sure about someone or you don’t know if you want to swipe up or down you should swipe left or right
28 Jul, '21
laura MergedIf you can’t decide to swipe yes or no, Can you make it so that they can be in a maybe pile and you can move on to swiping.
28 Jul, '21
Courtney MergedIf you are kind of interested and would like to return to view later option.
02 Aug, '21
Crystal Petersen MergedSometimes I’m not sure how I feel the second I see them, so I’d like some time to think about it and then go back and swipe how I feel.
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04 Aug, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin Merged"Being able to skip someone that you’re not sure about to swipe on later." (suggested by Crystal Petersen on 2021-08-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Aug, '21
Michael Patterson Admin Merged"Undecided swipe" (suggested by laura on 2021-07-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Aug, '21
Michael Patterson Admin Merged"maybe option, keep in queue to come back to option." (suggested by Courtney on 2021-07-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Aug, '21
Michael Patterson Admin Merged"save a profile for later/ skip" (suggested by k call on 2021-07-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Aug, '21
Courtney MergedFor those who don't want to pay and are using the free portion of the app, supply a favorites section to review past likes
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01 Sep, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin Merged"Mark favorites to review at a later date, make available on the free portion of Mutual" (suggested by Courtney on 2021-08-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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02 Sep, '21
Stach MergedTo be able to scroll through and save those you may be interested in to be able to come back directly and look more at, before deciding if you swipe up or down 🙂
14 Sep, '21
Juli MergedA save for later option would make a big difference! Something similar to the “who likes you section” but instead have it be a “saved for later”, “not yet”, “undecided” etc…
Sometimes you don’t want to swipe down but you’re not necessarily ready for a new match or in a position where you can or want to swipe up.
I think having it be a double tap would be convenient way to set it up & it would be different from other dating apps. I also think that one “save for later” option could be included daily or you could have 2 or 3 a day with purchasing the premium version of the app. Even having the option to pay for extra skips like you can with notes would be great! -
15 Sep, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin Merged"Save favorite people of interest" (suggested by Stach on 2021-09-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Apr, '22
Jared MergedOne problem I find with sharing mutual accounts is I save one account for myself to send a note later to and when I go to send the note, the account doesn’t connect because it's been too long even though it was only a day or two shared. A longer share time would be good! :)
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11 May, '22
Moses Lotulelei Admin Merged"More time on shared profiles" (suggested by Jared on 2022-04-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 May, '22
John MergedTo be able to scroll through and save profiles that you may be interested in and to be able to come back directly and look more at, before deciding if you swipe up or down. Or being able to swipe left to go to the next profile without having to decide a yes or no right away.
07 Jul, '22
Tyler MergedI would think it's useful because you can save someone until you get a note later.
07 Jul, '22
B MergedThis is also useful if you have some people in your 'Likes' tab that you want to think about before swiping up, but then you see them in the Swiping tab and you can't move past them until you make a decision, or you force close the app and reopen and hope that it mixed the order up enough for you to not see them again for a while.
08 Jul, '22
PRESTON LYNN VERNON Mergeda save for latter option would be great
09 Jul, '22
K Anon MergedYes. I call this the “maybe” pile!
14 Oct, '22
CCCC MergedNope. Gone for good unless they tag you... dang you're lazy.
14 Oct, '22
HHH MergedTo force a snap judgment based on a couple of pictures and only 3 question responses commodifies the people on the app as if we are shopping for them. It’s appearance based and doesn’t facilitate getting to know someone as a whole person. Please allow for many more question responses and the “maybe” pile!
30 Oct, '22
Daryl MergedIt would be nice to have a 'Side Swipe' option that puts canidates into an area to swipe up on later when user is ready to move forward.
15 Dec, '22
Edward Goffaux MergedIt would Be nice to search for someone by name, location, etc… especially if the system glitches and moves to someone else’s profile while your reading the information on someone else’s.
16 Jan, '23
C MergedI agree. For many reasons you may not be ready to swipe up or down. There NEEDS to be an option to skip.
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03 Mar, '23
M MergedI’m pretty sure you don’t need any more feedback on this point. If you have ever used an app, you know this is a no-brainer. I see that people have been asking you for this feature for over a year. Just get it done. It’s very simple.
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01 Apr, '23
JDI like this. Sometimes it’s hard to make a decision for multiple reasons and a swipe down seems so absolute. If there was a bookmark section it would add it to queue. I think what would be good though is if you had a specific queue limit for this. For instance you can only put 10-20 people in the back burner at a time and if you try to add another the app will force you to free up space or swipe yes or no on that individual.
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02 Apr, '23
Ellie MergedIt's better let us to let them know I'd we like ou not!
08 Apr, '23
Chris MergedAgree! This would be helpful
12 Apr, '23
Athanasia MergedPLEASE add this feature ASAP! I literally get to a guy I’m unsure of will simply stop using the app for the day vs. picking yes or no bc I’m so indecisive. I need a page for all the men I’m unsure about with the same layout as the “see who likes me” page.