Allow option to turn off international views of profile
I want my profile visible to anyone in my home country (USA) but not to anyone international. But because I once upon a time selected to see anyone internationally -because someone said some US profiles had a glitch that could only be seen in an international search- my profile is left for anyone in the world to see. My only options now are stay in Ninja mode forever or create a whole new profile.
Please include an option to turn off international viewing, and/or place a huge notice that choosing international in your search is an irreversible decision to:
1. have your profile viewed by every. single. person ever who uses mutual, into the far nether regions of countries you don't even know what the abbreviation stands for, and
2. swipe through every. single. person in the international world that you're not interested in
Comments: 14
21 Jul, '23
TobyYes. My "liked you" page is full of other countries. I have zero interest of dating international.
This is also terrible business. Mutual promotes to upgrade by "see who liked you". I'm shown locations of 5 people who liked me. When these are all international it gives me zero incentive to upgrade.
Some basic filters of who can view my profile would be great. -
11 Oct, '23
LaylahYeah, I do not like that I can’t really control which people see my profile.
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15 Oct, '23
DanyaleThat would be great, or even limit it to those who can see you are only in your own location filter range you have set. It's frustrating having "you have 99+ likes" only to upgrade and learn only a couple are actually in a realistic distance away from you.
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23 Oct, '23
BrodyI only want to be seen by people in my search radius. That's as far as I'm able to travel anyway.
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14 Nov, '23
RalphI filtered out people from other countries, so don’t put them in the liked you section. I really dislike when I go there and I have to undo my filters to make that person go away. That’s why I did the filters in the first place.
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14 Dec, '23
Walter DeVisserLots of people from everywhere but here. I don't think I will be able to continue with this app. I have no incentive to continue. I like the idea of a restricted field of LDS only. But I don't get enough possible people to make it worth while. Same 5 people every day. App needs some work. There are more than 5 people looking for another mate or friend. We have more than that in our home ward!!!!
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11 Feb, '24
JonathanIt drives me nuts because most of the people that like my profile are outside of the country so I’ll never be able to see these people in real life
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01 May, '24
SarahI really dislike that people outside my range I’ve selected can see me, ESPECIALLY out of the country.
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13 Jul, '24
Please MergedMake it so there is a way for you to not show my profile to people out of my country. When I put my preference as searching only in my country, I also expect my profile to only be shown to others in my country.
19 Jul, '24
JoeMore often than not I am getting views/likes/and messages from people who are in Latin America, Africa or somewhere in Asia. It would be nice if there was an option within our own profile to select how far we want to be seen just like our search area can be widened to certain mileage, country, worldwide.
01 Aug, '24
Jonathan MergedIt is really annoying when all or half your legs are out of the country
27 Sep, '24
Jacob Watson Admin"Make it so there is a way for you to not show my profile to people out of my country." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-07-13), including upvotes (23) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Oct, '24
AnonymousYep finding the same issue as other users. I’m not interested in international dating and I don’t want those people to see my profile. I think there needs to be filters for who can view our profile.
03 Feb
LisaI think it would be good to just show my profile to those within my search area. When I look to see who likes me, most of them are outside of my search range.