Publish dating market statistics for an area

22 votes

Or sell them, if mutual needs the money. Basically the app has a lot of interesting data already (how many lds people are dating in X city, how many swipes result in a match, how many matches result in a two way message, what portion of users are male/female in a given area, how many people does it take to get a match on average, etc).

YSA move around a lot and it would be very helpful and valuable to have an idea for these sorts of things (“oh, the job offer in Chicago has 200 mutual users in the area, but the offer in DC has 600, good to know”). I bet plenty of users would pay $10+ for a detailed report and it would cost very little to produce since the app already knows it’s user base.

More personalized reports like “X percent of people swipe up on this photo, Y percent on this other photo” or even “of 1000 male profiles in the area, users swipe on you more than they do on 550 of the others” etc would also be interesting.

The user base generates the data, let them see it.

Open Suggested by: Trent Upvoted: 05 Nov, '23 Comments: 0

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