Match Explanations
To help focus on quality instead of quantity, there should be more to it than a mere swipe. Maybe each individual match should be given an idea of where to continue through tags, or a slider like the interest one. They want to talk, they want to go on a date, they think you are attractive, they want to hang out, they want to have fun, grab ice cream, stuff like that... The interest slider doesn’t help much. It should be more individual for each match.
Comments: 8
11 May, '21
MercedesSi dar más opciones porq a veces una se interesa por una persona pero solo tiene la opción de deslizar y no se puede enviar un mensaje a menos q se compre las notas de enbio
19 Jun, '21
Michael CombrinkMaybe, it could be awkward, then again it could get you off to a faster start, if you both just want to hang out no dilly dallying
23 Jun, '21
SethOoooh yes! I think it may take longer to get through each swipe though. But I think it would help with the quality of the connection you make. Maybe you can opt to not give an explanation if you dont want to but I'd definitely use it!
09 Jul, '22
ScottThis is a great idea!
27 Jul, '22
StephOr even just something I can see. Often I will swipe up on a person based on their profile info but it easily could have changed by the time they swipe up on me. It would be great if I could make a note for myself like(favorite tv show is blank, they’ve traveled to x, told a funny joke) then when they finally pop up in my matches I have a quick reminder why I swiped up then if their profile has changed I could start the convo with. “Hey when I swiped up your profile said x and I noted it because of y”. It would give more opportunities to start conversations but still keep my private thoughts to myself. For me my swiping can depend on my mood or maybe the reason I swiped up was because of their profile info but if they changed that info and I don’t remember I might unmatch without realizing why I wanted to give them a shot in the first place.
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09 Aug, '22
AdamI think it would be nice to have the option to add a match guide, after you match you can see a guide that they made up of how they like to be approached, and when they like to share personal contact information, at what point in talking do they feel comfortable going on a date. Facebook dating shows a match guide similar to this and I think it really helps.
09 Feb, '23
AthanasiaI can see people just clicking any random button when it comes up bc it doesn’t matter. “I think your attractive = I’d like to go on a date = I’d like to have fun = I’d like to get ice cream” etc. I’m a girl & those literally mean all the same to me. If we matched, Yes I think your cute. If I think your cute, yeah I most likely do wanna go out. Who doesn’t like having fun? The vast majority of people like ice cream too.
The idea in theory sounds good….but It becomes another step to swiping. I think a lot of people would think it’s annoying and will add more “work” to matching. The choices picked won’t be carefully thought out as intended- it will be “whatever- it doesn’t matter which I choose. It all comes down to I like you & I’d like to get to know you personally.” -
30 May, '23
BradThis is something that should definitely be considered. Too many times I match with someone only to message once, and never get any reciprocal contact. I often feel I make the wrong choice of being aggressive and requesting to meet them, or I don't show enough initiative and they feel I'm just going to be a perpetual pen-pal. There needs to be a "connection spectrum" where you can decide once you like someone, or once a mutual match is made, to state your interest moving forward. Is it just like Pokemon go, and now that you've got the doctor, or lawyer, or construction worker, you never intend to contact them back again, or if you're really willing to text, talk or meet. Too much hope gets invested in a mutual match, only to find you're just another like in their app.