Profile Analytics
How many people you have swiped on, and percentage swiped up on, in a certain time period or over the lifetime of your profile.
Comments: 20
31 Mar, '21
JosephYeah, this would be really usefull!
31 Mar, '21
JosephYeah, this would be really usefull
29 Apr, '21
Darci L CrawfordI am more interested in a page summarizing who I viewed, who I liked and who liked me. An actual list where I can click back and View someone again.
13 Jun, '21
Logan MergedTwo numbers, one for how many people have swiped up on you, the other for how many down swipes. It can even be an opt-in feature, so those who didn’t want to see numbers wouldn’t have to. Also no names are revealed, just the numbers. If there’s a huge disparity it could mean a change to one’s profile is needed or something. It’s depressing enough swiping up so much and getting zero matches, so why not add a visual element?
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18 Jun, '21
SeanFor me, I would love to see analytics on which pictures people swipe up and down on. That way, I would be able to see/test what types of pictures work well, and which don’t. This would help to optimize my profile to get more matches
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23 Jun, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin"Up Swipe/Down Swipe Counter" (suggested by Logan on 2021-06-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Aug, '21
Nolan MergedWhat if there was an "optional" feature to enable on and off profile analytics to let others know how many likes and matches a user received (maybe not sent)? The user can choose if their likes and matches are enabled as private or public. Another thing with that would be the number of views a users profile has (also optional if the user wants just him or her to see it or have others see the views).
01 Sep, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin"Profile Analytics" (suggested by Nolan on 2021-08-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Oct, '21
BridgetDitto to Darci L Crawford!👍👍
26 Dec, '21
JoshBumble does a thing where it automatically switches your pictures so your top three appear first.
28 Feb, '22
Gandalf MergedOther dating apps let you request the data you've inputted through app usage. It would be cool to see that kind of data accumulated through Mutual.
02 Mar, '22
Moses Lotulelei Admin"Request full data, including number of swipes up, swipes down, matches, messages sent, etc." (suggested by Gandalf on 2022-02-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 May, '22
JayThings like which photo people swiped up on the most. Which photo people pause on the longest, which about me section did someone click on the most etc. would be helpful too.
07 Jul, '22
JonTwo numbers, one for how many people have swiped up on you, the other for how many down swipes. It can even be an opt-in feature, so those who didn’t want to see numbers wouldn’t have to. Also no names are revealed, just the numbers. If there’s a huge disparity it could mean a change to one’s profile is needed or something. It’s depressing enough swiping up so much and getting zero matches, so why not add a visual element?
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09 Jul, '22
K AnonIf this is saying let someone see how many people have swiped up on me, then I say no. I don’t wanna see that on someone else’s page either. If it’s just about seeing your own analytics I’m fine with that
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09 Aug, '22
AdamI would really like to see which pictures were liked and how many times. Also which sections of my profile were liked.
17 Oct, '22
IlacquaDéçue par le piratage de ma photo
17 Oct, '22
IlacquaEt plus de sécurité
17 Oct, '22
IlacquaJe n'ai pas d'autres commentaires
30 May, '23
BradIf the up/down analytics gets used, which I like the concept, can you make it uniques only? I've swiped down on the same profiles multiple times, I wouldn't want to know I've been down swiped 500 times if it was just by the same 50 women.
This is possibly the same concept of staging people in a different category. Rather than simply swiping down, and potentially not seeing them for a while, or continuing to swipe down fast after day, why not stage them in a different holding category, so the swipe downs aren't so numerous?
There could also be a "I don't need to see this profile ever again" category. That would keep me from having to go over the same profiles over and over again. But only make this an option if you've already swiped down like 3-5 times, then it could be an option that gets presented to us... "We see you've swiped down in this profile for X times now, would you like to continue seeing this in the future, or would it be okay to not show this profile again?"