Dark mode
Light-on-dark color scheme. This color scheme uses light-colored text and icons on a dark background.
Comments: 25
12 May, '21
Hilary Mergedlowering the brightness of the screen at night would make it not annoying to chat with someone at night or early morning.
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23 Jun, '21
Moses Lotulelei Admin"lower the brightness of the screen at night" (suggested by Hilary on 2021-05-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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27 Jul, '21
PaigeAs someone with poor eyesight this would really help.
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25 Feb, '22
Mike MergedPlease give users a “Dark Mode” option, in your next update. Having a black background will save the batteries of your users, as well as reduce eye strain. Thank you kindly.
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02 Mar, '22
Moses Lotulelei Admin"Dark Mode Option For Mutual" (suggested by Mike on 2022-02-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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17 Apr, '22
Miguel MergedNeeds to be more accessible my screen reader can't read everything and you should be able to change the background from weight to Black with white letters
09 May, '22
MB MergedOption in settings to make background, buttons, etc. in dark mode for better eye-health.
11 May, '22
Moses Lotulelei Admin"Dark-mode display" (suggested by MB on 2022-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 May, '22
Moses Lotulelei Admin"Accessibility" (suggested by Miguel on 2022-04-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Jul, '22
Mary AliceYES!!!!! This would help so much with headaches and sleep and stuff!!!!!!!
21 Aug, '22
ElijahDark mode is a must in any good GUI, ESPECIALLY mobile apps.
Just think of much of a pain it is to use Snapchat(Android) at night, or Amazon. -
04 Jan, '23
DevinDude does anyone see how redick this is "turn the brightness down." The reason Amazon and other apps such as dating apps don't have dark modes is because they want to keep you awake and focused and to show their gd metrics to companies and say see how many active users we've got??? See how many people are online see. It's actually a brilliant tactic it's the same reason companies and other businesses use lighting for work areas. Certain chemicals stay in your brain when light hits your eyes which in some cases cause stress and fatigue and they should know this maybe not. But light tricks your brain into staying active longer especially bright white light. Like the sun. So the next you're looking at a bright white background on an app it's to keep you awake alert and focused.
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10 Jan, '23
SimpsonDark mode is the dopest treat we can get to ease the eye
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04 May, '23
VunaDark mode would be amazing. I use dark model on most my other apps, it’s less harmful on my eyes. Yes, I turn the brightness down and nightshift. Still hard on my eyes.
21 Jun, '23
FranciscoDark mode is cool, i think because is more healthy for the eyes, obviously if in the night are more easy to see...
19 Jul, '23
JhoelDark mode will always be an advantage for battery saving
15 Oct, '23
AndrewI have every app I can on dark mode. It's easier to read white letters on a black screen than black letters on white.
09 Dec, '23
JoshDark mode is better for your eyes. The bright light of a white screen creates eye fatigue. It also saves battery life because the screen isn't producing all colors to make white.
25 Dec, '23
RansomjDevelopers for the win!
17 Aug, '24
Ryan MergedMake a dark mode. That's all
22 Aug, '24
Jacob Watson Admin"DARK MODE" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-08-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Oct, '24
Devin MergedNothing sucks more than getting flashbanged when you open a Mutual message in the middle of a nice pleasant evening stroll.
11 Oct, '24
Jacob Watson Admin"Please add a dark mode" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-10-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Nov, '24
Marco Jr CharetteBest app during day time but many cannot use this app at night or even evening due to bright backgrounds. You need to add a night mode for it to be the best it can be and allow more Christians to talk.
23 Nov, '24
KatherineI have my phone set to dark mode and it would be great if this app would support that as opposed to me having to dim the brightness which isn’t the same thing.